The Employment Round Tables
How it all started
The Employment Round Tables were begun in 1983 in partnership with the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) then known as the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). The Employment Round Tables are composed of volunteers from businesses, public and private employers, and from labor organizations. Their purpose is to create an awareness of the problems of discrimination, harassment and retaliation in employment. The goal of the Employment Round Tables is to reduce discrimination and promote equal opportunity.
The objective of the Employment Round Tables are to:
- Enhance communications between the Department and the public.
- Provide forums that promote education, advocacy and understanding of anti-discrimination laws and practices.
- Initiate cooperative programs that preserve civil rights and expand equal opportunity in employment.

The Employment Round Tables provide:
- Seminars and conferences on discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in employment.
- Information on CRD activities.
- Counseling and other assistance to small employers
- Special projects in response to public educational needs.
- Technical advice and input to CRD on its procedures.
About Us
NCERT Board Members
NCERT’s committed board of directors and board members help us deliver on our mission and vision. We are pleased to acknowledge and thank them for their continued support of the organization.

Michael Hui
Of Counsel
Gunderson, Dettmer, Stough, Villeneuve, Franklin & Hachigian LLP

Vice President
Margaret Grover
Mediator/Investigator | Grover Workplace Solutions

Stefany Chadbon-Hooke
Vice President & Chief People & Places
SafeAmerica Credit Union

Shaye Schrick
Attorney and Investigator
SNS Employment Law

Board Member
Kristine Beckley
Assistant Chief Counsel | CalRecycle

Board Member
Kathryn Collins
Senior Director, Human Resources | Compass Group

Board Member
Jasmin E. Darron
Attorney Investigator | Van Dermyden Makus Investigations Law Firm

Board Member
Jessica Di Palma
Attorney | Ferber Law

Board Member
Carla Hartley
Employment Attorney & HR Advisor | Dillingham & Murphy, LLP

Board Member
Lucy Li
Attorney Investigator | Ellis Investigations Law Corporation

Board Member
Kanitra Lopez
Director of People and Experience | Women’s Foundation California

Board Member
Jennifer Maguire
Of Counsel | Littler Mendelson

Board Member
Ernie Mejia
Attorney | Constangy Brooks Smith and Prophete

Board Member
Rhonda L. Nelson
Shareholder, Employment Practice Group
Chairperson – Severson & Werson

Board Member
Lee Sheldon
Attorney | Littler Mendelson
Board Member
Susan Zeme
Attorney at Law | Susan Zeme Employment Law
Ex Officio
Selena Wong
Regional Administrator | California Civil Rights Department
Our Commitment to Accessibility:
NCERT is committed to making our website content accessible and user friendly to everyone. If you are having difficulty viewing or navigating the content on this website, or notice any content, feature, or functionality that you believe is not fully accessible to people with disabilities, please contact our current Board Secretary at 1-916-661-5686, or email our team at, include “Disabled Access” in the subjects line, and provide a description of the specific feature you feel is not fully accessible or a suggestion for improvement. We take your feedback seriously and will consider it as we evaluate ways to accommodate all of our customers and our overall accessibility policies. Additionally, while we do not control such vendors, we strongly encourage vendors of third-party digital content to provide content that is accessible and user friendly.
Get In Touch
For questions about NCERT,
please contact the current NCERT Secretary,
Shaye Shrick at